The Vibes Real Book: a jazz perfomance guide utilizing standard tunes

Lipner, Arthur

The Vibes Real Book: a jazz perfomance guide utilizing standard tunes / Arthur Lipner - Stanford, MalletWorks Music: 1996 - 235 p.

Section one: Method
I. Meet the vibraphone
II. Pedaling
III. Dampening
IV. Dead-Strokes
Section Two: Theory
I. Primary sound colors
(1, 3, 5 and 7)
II. Modes of the major scale
III. General chord function
IV. Secondary sound colors (9, 11, 13)
V. Voicings
Section Three: Improvisation
I. Concepts
II, Creating lines
III. Aplication of chord scales
IV. Common chord progressions
V. Comping
Section Four: Repertoire
Description of Steps
Bag's Groove (comp. by Milt Jackson)
Don't get around much anymore (Duke Ellington)
St. Thomas (Sonny Rollins)
Waltz for Debby (Bill Evans)
My little suede shoes (Charlie Parker)
Moonlight in Vermont (Karl Suessdorf)
Solar ( Miles Davis)


781.57 / L764 vib